HomeFIXME: Project Plan

Regional Directorate of Forestry

Phone: 05751 23 09
Fax: 05751 20 24
Email: ddstervel@nug.bg

Internet address: www.tervel.iag.bg

Tervel SHE occupies the Danube valley – Southern Dobrudzha, and is located in the hilly-flat foothill zone of the oak forests. It represents hillside valley, slightly sloped to the North, cut by dry valley, the biggest of which being Suha river and Kana gyol. The total area of the forestry is 14 800 hectare. In the beginning of the fifties field-protective forest belts have been created with a total area of 296 hectare. Widespread trees are: Turkey oak, acac
Лесоустройствен план