Regional Forest Directorate Varna

Profile of the seller: http://www.profilnakupuvacha.com/rdgvarna
Regional Forests Administration – Varna manages the national forest stock and controls all forests and land within the forest stock, as well as 7 National Forestries and 3 National Reserves in Varna and Dobrich areas. The total area of the Forestry is 185 559 hectares. The wood stock is 18.450 thousand cubic meters. In accordance with their functions forests and land within the territory of RFA-Varna are being divided into forests and land with mainly wood-manufacturing and environment-forming functions, defensive and recreational forests and forests in preserved territories. National forests occupy around 91% of the area of the national stock in RFA-Varna.
According to their type mostly spread are sprouting forests, provided for transformation – 36.6%. Deciduous high-stem forests are 28.2%, and coniferous cultivations – 6.3%. Widespread among the trees are: Turkey oak, oak-tree, acacia, Pinus nigra, Carpinus betulus, ash-tree, Fagus orientalis, lime-tree. Great significance is given to the preserved forest zones located on the territory of Dobrich district occupying an area of 14 901 hectare, with total length of 5000 km. Forestation is one of the priorities set by RFA-Varna. The annual average forestation according to the Forest-structural plans is 6 296 decare. The annual average wood use in the national forest stock is 292 thousand cubic meters of lying wood-pulp.
Red deer, deer and wild-boar are among the most widespread game species, subject to hunting and hunting tourism. Also of interest are the moufflon, the stag of a fallow deer, the rabbit, the pheasant, the partridge, the quail and the water-floating game. For preserving and enriching the variety of game breeds, for reproductive and resettling purposes as well as for improvement of its trophy qualities, three game-breeding stations have been established in the area. The profiled territorial section is Varna Forest-preservation station responsible for the preservation and protection of forests against insect pests, diseases and other damages on the forestry within the territories of RFA Varna, Ruse, Sliven and Shumen.
There are 52 preserved territories with a total area of 8898.4 thousand hectares within the scope of RFA-Varna, among which are: Golden Sands Natural Park, two reserves – Kamchiya and Kaliakra and 5 maintained reserves – Kirov dol, Kalfata, Varbov dol, the Wolf’s passage and Baltata.